International Nurses Day


This International Nurses Day, we’re celebrating our GOSH nurses and healthcare heroes by sharing the experiences of some of our nurses! Did you know that our nurses come from all over the world to help children with complex and rare conditions fulfil their potential at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH)? We are proud to have an international workforce caring for children from across the globe. 


Meet Emma, Practice Facilitator for Bumblebee and Hedgehog Ward  

“I’m from New Zealand and I knew I wanted to live in the UK for a while to travel. Once I knew that, GOSH seemed like the perfect place as; it’s one of the top children’s hospitals worldwide, it’s in London where the opportunities for travel are endless and there’s great opportunities for career progression and professional development.

"I love working with the newly qualified nurses who start their nursing career here at GOSH. We have very complex kids and we see so many specialities that there is a big need for ongoing education. Being able to teach the junior nurses something new or help them with a skill is hugely rewarding. Also, being a Practice Facilitator is a role that is very hands on, and most of my time is spent on the floor with our patients and their families which I enjoy."

Meet Renee, Senior Staff Nurse, Recovery Unit

“I've been working at GOSH since 2017, first in intensive care and now in theatre recovery. I chose GOSH before I began my nursing degree because of its reputation for excellence and I wanted to be a part of that. Working here has been a rollercoaster in many ways. Ultimately it has taught me to be a stronger person and by extension a better nurse. 

“In the last few months I've moved from a band five to a band six nurse. I've been humbly given more responsibility and I hope to make my BME colleagues proud, my recovery team proud and my patients proud.”


Gemma in the hospital

Meet Gemma, Ward Sister on Leopard Ward  

“As Ward Sister on an acute respiratory ward, my job is to ensure that the ward runs smoothly, and patients and staff receive the care and support they need in a safe environment. 

“After training in Ireland in General Paediatrics and Adult Nursing, I saw a post advertised at GOSH and decided to move over to London for a year before returning to Ireland. However, I fell in love with the Respiratory specialty and have stayed for 6 years with no plans to go home! 

"The main things that have kept me at GOSH have been the opportunities to develop, the support available and the wonderful team ethos within the ward I work. I have had the opportunity to progress from a newly qualified nurse, to a ward sister, which has been amazing for my development both professionally and personally. 

“Recently, our working life has changed. We have supported respiratory colleagues in other centres in taking some of their complex patients so that they can support the adult services in the area. On the wards we are also wearing PPE to ensure that we are all safe at work. This has been challenging at times, but everyone has pulled together extremely well, and the team have worked incredibly hard during this time. Additionally, many of the conversations and discussions we once had face-to-face as a team have become virtual. This has been positive in some ways, as it has increased our efficiency in decision making and planning." 


Ricardo at the hospital

Meet Ricardo, Nursing Associate on Elephant Ward  

“I was first employed by GOSH as a housekeeper in 2014. I soon got inspired by the passion of being a nurse, watching the amazing work of the colleagues that surrounded me on Elephant ward. In January 2017, I started my Trainee Nursing Associate program at London South Bank University.  

“GOSH is one of the best hospitals for children in the world and it has absolutely been great to work here. I feel very lucky to be part of the Elephant Ward team and my colleagues are hugely experienced and very keen to pass their knowledge on to the new members of staff. My development has always been encouraged and supported and I have constantly been offered opportunities of learning and career advancement."


Kelly in the hospital

Meet Kelly, Senior Staff Nurse on Flamingo Ward  

“My partner had open-heart surgery at GOSH 14 years ago, and still has regular ECHOs. I met the GOSH surgeon who carried out his surgery, and he told me all about CICU and how great it is to work there. So I applied for a role three years ago, and the rest is history!  

“It’s been a whirlwind since the start of 2020. I’ve gone from being a Band 5 to Band 6 nurse, and helped Dolphin Ward care and treat patients who have had coronavirus. Wearing PPE felt very different to anything I’ve ever experienced, but I’ve felt like my GOSH colleagues have become a part of my family. The teamwork has been incredible." 


Meet Sarah, Senior Staff Nurse on Bumblebee Ward

“I completed my training at Queens University, Belfast in Ireland and while on my final placement I met a nurse who had trained at GOSH. She talked about the experiences she had had, and it sounded like a great opportunity! GOSH is well known for research and innovative treatment and it is exciting to be part of this.

"The staff on my ward made me feel very welcome and went out of their way to make me part of the team. They are very supportive and always available to help with any problems I may have. Leaving your family and home and starting a new job in a different city can be quite daunting at first, thankfully I settled in well and am working with people who are not just my colleagues but my friends. We are all a big family unit on the ward. The opportunities for progression and development has been excellent, and I have progressed from an NQN to Senior Staff Nurse.

"Nursing is a very satisfying job, one that requires a lot of your time. It's not a normal job, it's a vocation that will be with you for the rest of your working life. Working in the NHS is challenging and comes with a lot of pressure but to see a patient you have cared for, for a prolonged period of time, being discharged is so rewarding. There is no other feeling quite like it and a reminder why we do the job we do."

Meet Sue, Gulf Regional Clinical Manager at the Gulf office 

Dr Sue Chapman, Gulf Regional Clinical Manager for Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH), recently returned to the UK from Dubai to help support the hospital during the current COVID-19 situation. With a background in nursing, Sue knew that she was best placed to help families and staff by being in London to provide hands on support and expertise at GOSH. 

"I wanted to see how I could help my colleagues in GOSH. I am an experienced Registered Nurse and previously worked in Intensive Care and these were skills that were in high demand. I also wanted to be in the same country as my husband, so we could support each other.

“It’s fantastic to see how GOSH has adapted to support the care of children and families as well as helping the wider NHS deal with the crisis. People are being really supportive of each other despite the exceptionally difficult circumstances. This includes people outside of GOSH such as transport workers and shop workers, without whom we can't get to work or have food to eat. I'm really proud to work with such a great team of people both in London and Dubai.

“We all have a part to play; I'm lucky that I can do this by taking on a new role and using my skills and experience. For others, their part is to follow the guidance, practice social distancing and stay at home. Whatever your role, each one of us can make a difference. Together we will get through this.” 

Extraordinary Children, Extraordinary Careers. 

Interested in joining the team? Develop your skills in a unique, diverse and multi-speciality environment where every day brings new and extraordinary challenges and experiences.