Доктор Timothy Liversedge

Consultant Paediatric Anaesthetist


Dr Liversedge has been a Consultant Paediatric Anaesthetist at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) since 2011. He is also an Honorary Senior Lecturer at the University College London (UCL) Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health. 

Dr Liversedge set-up the anaesthetic preoperative assessment service at GOSH.  He has an interest in digital healthcare and is a medical information officer for the trust, actively involved in implementing new clinical IT systems to benefit our patients and clinicians. He also works in the medical simulation centre, teaching and training other anaesthetists with high-fidelity simulation. 

Квалификация и достижения

  • Anaesthetises a wide range of children for the full spectrum of surgical services at GOSH
  • Anaesthesia for children of all ages having ear, nose and throat surgery, plastic surgery, eye surgery and neurosurgery  
  • King’s College School, Wimbledon
  • Medical studies at the University of Leeds School of Medicine 
  • Graduated in 2000 (MBChB)
  • Honours degree in anatomy at the University of Leeds School of Medicine 
  • Anaesthetic training was based at Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital, London
  • Fellow of the Royal College of Anaesthetists 
  • Simulation training 
  • Digital health care and electronic patient records 


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Новости и публикации

Griffiths, C.L., Liversedge, T.F.G. 2015. Laryngeal Clefts. BJA Education. 15(5) pp. 237-241. 

Ganeshalingham, K., Liversedge, T. 2015. Anaesthesia and congenital abnormalities. Update in Anaesthesia. 30(1) pp. 27–34. 

Dibb-Fuller, E., Liversedge, T. 2013.  Management of paediatric sepsis. Anaesthesia Tutorial of the Week. 278. 

Cavanagh, S., Liversedge, T. 2012. Status epilepticus in children. Anaesthesia Tutorial of the Week. 248. 

Liversedge, T., Hirsch, N. 2010. Coma. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine. 11(9) pp. 337-339. 

Soames, R.W., Brown, J.L., Liversedge, T., Oguz, O. 1999. Three Dimensional Architecture of the Glenoid Fossa. Clinical Anatomy. 12:143. 

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