Family-centred care

At GOSH, we practice a model of care that involves the whole family, ensuring a collaborative approach to care-giving and decision-making. We do this by listening to you and respecting the knowledge, skills and experience you bring as a parent/carer. Family-centred care has multiple benefits for you, your child and the clinical team. It ensures you understand about your child’s care, it reduces delays in treatment and gives you the opportunity to discuss treatment with your clinical teams.
You are a valued member of your child’s healthcare team and we encourage you to take part in his or her care as much as possible while in hospital.
Each morning there is a daily ward round, led by a team of doctors and nurses, and it is essential that parent(s) attend these. During this time your child’s condition will be assessed and important information about your child’s treatment plan will be communicated to you. It is expected that you will be an active participant in your child’s hygiene needs, and the nursing staff will discuss this with you on the ward.