Persis Amrolia 教授

Consultant in BMT, Professor of Transplantation Immunology
Prof. Persis Amrolia


Professor Persis Amrolia came to Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) in 1999 as an MRC Clinical-Scientist and was appointed as a Consultant in Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) in 2002. He became University College London (UCL) Professor of Transplantation Immunology at the Institute of Child Health in 2010, and National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Research Professor in 2013. 

Persis has an outstanding record of translating cutting-edge science into clinical benefit for patients and has played a key role in developing a world-class research programme on the BMT unit at GOSH. 

Prof. Amrolia has published more than 80 papers in peer-reviewed journals and attracted over £9 million in research grants. 

Professor Amrolia splits his time between treating patients and undergoing active research into immunology. 


  • Bone Marrow Transplants 


  • BSc Biochemistry from the University of London  
  • MBBS from the University of London 
  • MRCP 
  • PhD from the University of London 
  • MRCPath 
  • FRCP 
  • FRCPath 

His research work has focused on immunotherapy – using immune cells to prevent infections and leukaemic relapse after stem cell transplant. 

He is currently leading two major clinical trials in these approaches with two more studies planned. In parallel with this, with his colleagues on the BMT Unit at GOSH, he has pioneered novel antibody-based conditioning regimens for children with genetic diseases of the immune system to reduce the need for intensive chemotherapy before bone marrow transplant. 

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