Shankar Sridharan 医生



作为胎儿与小儿心脏病学家和专家医师,Shankar Sridharan医生专长领域为诊断、治疗和持续护理影响婴儿、儿童和青少年的所有类型的心脏疾病,包括心脏穿孔、儿童胸痛、瓣膜问题和所有复杂形式的结构性心脏病。

Shankar Sridharan医生2011年BMA (英国医学协会)图书奖上受到高度赞扬。


  • 小儿心脏病
  • 胎儿心脏病
  • 超声波心动描记术
  • 心杂音
  • 儿童胸痛
  • 先天性心脏病


  • 英国伦敦帝国理工医学院临床医学学士
  • 英国伦敦帝国理工医学院心脏学学学士
  • 英国伦敦皇家儿科与儿童健康学院成员
  • 英国伦敦皇家内科学院小儿心脏学专业资质
  • 胎儿心动过速的最佳治疗方法


Shankar Sridharan医生著有以下书籍:

Cardiovascular MRI in Congenital Heart Disease: An Imaging Atlas (hardcover) 

先天性心脏病的心血管核磁共振成像: 影像地图集 (精装版)



Oswal N, Christov G, Sridharan S, Khambadkone S, Bull C, Sullivan I. 2014. berrant subclavian artery origin in tetralogy of Fallot with pulmonary stenosis is associated with chromosomal or genetic abnormality. Cardiol Young. 24(3) pp. 478-84. 

Sridharan, S., Yates, R., Taylor, A.M., 2005. Optimising imaging after coarctation stenting: The clinical utility of Multi-Detector Computer Tomography Catheter Cardiovascular Interv. 66(3) pp. 420-3. 

Sridharan, S., 2010. Power Doppler three-dimensional visualisation of aortic arch interruption in fetal life.Heart. 96 (15) p. 1190 

Tsang, V., Yacoub, M., Sridharan, S., Burch, M., Radley-Smith, R., Khaghani, A., Savoldo, M.D., Amrolia, P.J., 2009. Late donor cardiectomy after paediatric heterotopic cardiac transplantation. Lancet. 374 (9867) pp. 387-92. 

Sridharan, S., Archer, N., Manning, N., 2009. Premature constriction of the fetal ductus arteriosus following maternal consumption camomile tea. Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. (Letter to-the-Editor). 34(3) pp. 358-9. 

Jowett, V., Hayes, N., Sridharan, S., Rees, P., Macrae, D., 2007.Timing of removal of pacing wires following paediatric cardiac surgery. Cardiol Young. 17(5) pp. 512-16. 

Sridharan, S., Coats, L., Khambadkone, S., Taylor, A.M., Bonhoeffer, P., 2006. Images in cardiovascular medicine. Transcatheter right ventricular outflow tract intervention: the risk to the coronary circulation.Circulation. 113(25) pp. e934-5. 

Coats, L., Khambadkone, S., Derrick, G., Sridharan, S., Schievano, S., Mist, B., Jones, R., Deanfield, J.E., Pellerin, D., Bonhoeffer, P., Taylor, A.M., 2006. Physiological and Clinical Consequences of Relief of Right Ventricular Outflow Tract Obstruction late after repair of Congenital Heart Defects. Circulation. 113(17) pp. 2037-44.

Sridharan, S., Derrick, G., Deanfield, J., Taylor, A.M., 2006. Assessment of Differential Branch Pulmonary Blood Flow: A Comparative Study of Phase-Contrast Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Radionuclide Lung Perfusion imaging. Heart. 92(7) pp. 963-8. 

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