Доктор Victoria Jowett

Consultant Fetal & Paediatric Cardiologist


Dr Victoria Jowett is a consultant fetal and paediatric cardiologist and is the clinical lead for the fetal cardiology service at GOSH

She has been working in the subspecialist field of fetal cardiology for the past 15 years with expertise in the diagnosis and management of heart defects and heart rhythm problems in babies before birth.

Her specialist training in paediatric cardiology was undertaken at The Royal Brompton Hospital, Great Ormond Street Hospital and Evelina Children’s Hospital.

At a national level she led the working group to produce the British Congenital Cardiac Association national standards in fetal cardiology in 2021 and has a strong interest in education and training as the training programme director for paediatric cardiology since 2017

Her research interests include optimising outcome in fetuses with an antenatal diagnosis including long term outcome and brain development of fetuses with congenital heart disease. She was awarded a doctorate of medicine from Imperial College, University of London in May 2017.


Квалификация и достижения

Fetal Cardiology

Early Fetal Echo

Congenital Heart Disease

Fetal Rhythm Abnormality

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