Доктор Susan Hill
Dr Susan Hill is a Consultant Paediatric Gastroenterologist who has worked at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) for over 20 years. Her areas of expertise include management of acute and chronic undernutrition/malnutrition, intestinal failure assessment and rehabilitation and faltering growth and feeding difficulties.
Dr Hill runs a national and international intestinal failure service with shared care with the child’s most local hospital. The aim of the service is to wean children off parenteral nutrition (PN) at the earliest opportunity. If children have long-term intestinal failure that fails to respond to treatment the aim of the service is to enable children and their families to have the best possible quality of life (including attending school and family holidays) despite living with parenteral nutrition.
Квалификация и достижения
- Long-term intestinal failure assessment and rehabilitation
- Faltering growth and feeding difficulties
- Slow-onset food allergies
- Nutritional disorders
- Setting up home parenteral nutrition
- Under nutrition and Malnutrition
- Short bowel syndrome (SBS)
- Long-term intestinal failure rehabilitation
- BM
- Trained in paediatric gastroenterology at Queen Elizabeth Hospital Hackney and GOSH
- MD thesis on intestinal mucosal immunology
- Member of the British Society for Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (BSPGHAN)
- Nutriton and Intestinal Failure Working Group (Chair 2013-2016)
- British Association of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (BAPEN)and was instrumental in incorporating paediatrics in the Association
- Member of Commonwealth Association of Paediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition (CAPGAN)
- Member of European Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (ESPEN)
- Short bowel syndrome (SBS) and use of GLP-2/teduglutide treatment
- Nutrition research in hospitalised children
- Under nutrition and Malnutrition
- Management of intestinal failure including complications and wearing off parenteral nutrition and transition to adult care.
- Current projects include long-term outcome of children with short bowel syndrome (SBS)with and without long-term intestinal failure
- Reviewing nutritional deficiencies (including vitamins and trace elements) in children who are acutely unwell in hospital and investigating best enteral and parenteral feeding regimes, including most appropriate lipid and protein contents
Новости и публикации
Susan Hill’s publications have included food allergy in infants, quality of life on long-term intravenous nutrition at home and outcome of hospitalised patients treated with intravenous/parenteral nutrition (PN). Her most recent publications include:
Carter A, Cohran V, Cole C, Corkins, M, Dimmitt R, Duggan C, Hill S, Horslen S, Lim J, Mercer D, Merritt R, Nichol P, MD, Sigurdsson L, Teitelbaum D, Thompson J, Vanderpool C, Vaughan J, Li B, Youssef N, Venick R, Kocoshis S. Outcomes From a 12-Week, Open-Label, Multicenter Clinical Trial of Teduglutide in Pediatric Short Bowel Syndrome. Journal Pediatrics 2017;181:102-111
Kyrana E, Beath SV, Gabe S, Small M, Hill S. Current practices and experience of transition of young people on long term home parenteral nutrition Clinical Nutrition ESPEN 2016;14:9-13
Mantegazza C, Landy N, Hill SM, Zuccotti GV, Koglmeier J. Parenteral Nutrition in Hospitalized Children. Medical and Clinical Reviews 2016;1
Schneider H, Hill S, Blandford A Patients Know Best: Qualitative Study on How Families Use Patient-Controlled Personal Health Records J Med Internet Res 2016;18(2):e43
Mantegazza C1, La Vela V, Hill S, Köglmeier J. Travelling With Children on Home Parenteral Nutrition J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2016;62(1):145-9
Barclay AR, Henderson P, Gowen H Puntis J, BIFS collaborators The continued rise of paediatric home parenteral nutrition use: Implications for service and the improvement of longitudinal data Collection. Clin Nutr 2015
Pichler, J., Watson, T., McHugh, K., Hill, S., 2015. Prevalence of Gallstones Compared in Children with Different Intravenous Lipids. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nurt.
Pichler, J., Simchowitz, V., Macdonald, S., Hill, S., 2014. Comparison of liver function with two new/mixed intravenous lipid emulsions in children with intestinal failure. Eur J Clin Nutr. 68(10) pp. 1161-7.
Pichler, J., Hill, S.M., Shaw, V., Lucas, A., 2014. Prevalence of undernutrition during hospitalisation in a children's hospital: what happens during admission? Eur J Clin Nutr. 68(6) pp. 730-5.
Pichler, J., Soothill, J., Hill, S., 2014. Reduction of blood stream infections in children following a change to chlorhexidine disinfection of parenteral nutrition catheter connectors. Clin Nutr. 33(1) pp. 85-9.
Pichler, J., Chomtho, S., Fewtrell, M., Macdonald, S., Hill, S., 2014. Body composition in paediatric intestinal failure patients receiving long-term parenteral nutrition. Arch Dis Child. 99(2) pp. 147-53.
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