GOSH established an international strategic partnership with Zircon health in China
Currently, China has more than 20 million people with rare diseases who have very few treatment options. Misdiagnosis and difficulties related to drug options are among the main challenges in diagnosing and treating rare diseases.
As the global pioneer in the field of clinical work, research, innovation, and education in paediatric rare diseases, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children (GOSH) consultants have accumulated extensive experience and knowledge of rare diseases in children and developed a mature multi-disciplinary diagnosis and treatment model. GOSH has treated more than 28,000 children with rare and ultra-rare diseases. GOSH is researching more than 200 rare and complex diseases and has more than 500 research projects looking into them (based on GOSH internal data, renewed May 2021).
In order to help more Chinese children with rare diseases and their families, on the 28th of February 2022, the 15th World Rare Disease Day, GOSH established a strategic partnership with Zircon health in terms of rare diseases in children, by launching a GOSH zone with rich information on Zircon’s service platform.
Chinese families can read more GOSH’s stories, histories, and learn more about GOSH’s world-class doctors and specialties here. Also, families who have clinical needs can efficiently reach GOSH services via Zircon’s platform. In the post-pandemic era, remote consultation services enable the families to get second opinion and treatment plans from GOSH experts, which can ease lots of stress before going aboard for treatment, and also reduce families’ financial burden.
‘On this World Rare Disease Day, we’re so happy that Zircon Health can bring new hope for rare disease patients and families in China who would like international diagnoses and treatment. We’re proud to be one of GOSH’s global partners and we look forward to working with GOSH teams.’ said Ms Dai Ying, Vice president of RareStone Group and Head of Zircon health.
On 3rd March 2022, GOSH and Zircon held a remote signing ceremony under the theme of ‘Hold hands together to paint a colourful future to children with rare diseases’ and officially signed the strategic agreement. The delegation also included James McGuire Assistant Director, Life Sciences, Health and Social Care, Dept for International Trade, British Consulate-General Shanghai, the patient representatives from 15 rare disease patient organisations, and academic and clinical representatives in China’s rare disease field. All guest speakers shared their observations and expectations on the diagnosis and treatment of rare diseases from various perspectives.
During the ceremony, Mr. Trevor Clarke, Director of International and Private Care at GOSH said: ‘Collaboration is absolutely critical for the work we do for children with rare diseases. In recent years, our multi-disciplinary teams have treated more and more children with rare diseases from China and we fully understand these families’ difficulties. GOSH is looking forward to establishing a long-term collaboration with Zircon Health, working together to offer concrete and accessible services and help more children with rare and complex diseases in China.’