Simon Critchlow 先生

Consultant in Restorative Dentistry
Mr Simon Critchlow


  • Interim and definitive oral rehabilitation of patients with cleft, craniofacial disorders and head and neck tumours 
  • Reshaping and restoration of compromised teeth 
  • Replacement of missing teeth 
  • Dental implants 
  • Speech Prostheses 

• BDS, MSc, MFDS, FDS(RestDent) 
• Qualified as a dentist from Newcastle University  
• Masters Degree in Restorative Dentistry  
• Higher Specialist training at the Royal London Dental Hospital 
• Consultant in Restorative Dentistry 
• GDC Registered Specialist in Prosthodontics, Periodontics, Endodontics and Restorative Dentistry 

• Member British Society of Restorative Dentistry 
• Member British Society of Prosthdontics 
• Founder Member Restorative Dentistry Cleft Lip and Palate Clinical Excellence Network 
• Craniofacial Society of the UK and Ireland 

  • Treatment outcomes in cleft lip and palate patients 
  • Oral rehabilitation of head and neck cancer patients 
  • Speech Prosthetics 


Critchlow, S.B., and Ellis, J.S. 2009. Development and Validation of a Questionnaire to Identify Patient-Centred Risk Factors Associated with an Inability to Wear Conventional Dentures Successfully. MSc Research Project. 
Critchlow, S.B., and Ellis, J.S 2010. Prognostic Indicators for Conventional Complete Denture Therapy: A Review of the Literature. Journal of Dentistry. 38(1) pp. 2-9. 
Critchlow, S.B., Ellis, J.S and Field, J.C. 2012. Reducing the Risk of Failure in Complete Denture Patients. Dental Update. 39 pp. 427-436. Reprinted in 2014. Riskwise, Dental Protection. 46.
Critchlow, S.B., and Nanayakkara, L. 2012. A Guide to Entry into Specialist Training. British Dental Journal. 212 pp. 35-40. 
Critchlow, S.B., 2012. Ceramic materials have similar short term survival rates to other materials on posterior teeth. Abstracted from:Pol and Kalk. 2011. Systematic review of ceramic inlays in posterior teeth: an update. Evidence Based Dentistry. 13 p. 49. 
Critchlow, S.B., Morgan, C., and Leung, T. 2013. The oral health status of pre-treatment head and neck cancer patients. British Dental Journal. 216(1) pp. 32-33. 


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