Nimmi Parikh 医生

Clinical Psychologist


Dr Nimmi Parikh is an HCPC (The Health and Care Professions Council) registered clinical psychologist offering mental health assessments, cognitive assessments and evidence-based treatment for specific mental health conditions in Children and Adolescents. 

She has experience in providing interventions for children who have complex presentations, either because of comorbid physical illness or multiple other comorbidities (e.g. autism, ADHD). She also provides parenting interventions to treat behavioural difficulties in children. Dr Nimmi Parikh also has significant experience in providing therapeutic interventions for children and parents around adjustment and coping with long term health conditions.

She offers comprehensive neuropsychological assessment for children and young people to help identify learning strengths and weaknesses. She is also trained in conducting a neurodevelopmental assessment in children with visual impairments.

Moreover, Dr Nimmi Parikh offers evidence-based psychological assessment and intervention to children and young people who are experiencing anxiety, stress, low mood, tics, difficulties forming relationships and those struggling to adjust to a long term health condition. Also, she offers parents support with difficulties such as challenging behaviour and children’s anxiety.

She provides a comprehensive neuropsychological assessment for children and young people to help identify learning strengths and weakness and to screen for specific learning difficulties. As part of the assessment, she is able to recommend evidence-based strategies to help your child at home and at school.

Dr Nimmi Parikh was also trained in conducting neurodevelopmental assessment in children with visual impairments.


  • Obsessive Compulsive disorder
  • Generalised anxiety disorder
  • Panic disorder  
  • Social anxiety disorder
  • Health anxiety
  • Behavioural treatments (HRT/ERP) for tics
  • Depression
  • Child and Adolescent Mental Health
  • Neuropsychological Assessment


  • BSc (Hons) Psychology  
  • Doctorate in Clinical Psychology (DClinPsy)
  • Registered Practitioner Psychologist, Health & Care Professionals Council
  • How children cope with a parent with a physical health condition.
  • Effectiveness of group interventions for parents of children with neurological conditions and challenging behaviour.



Parikh, N., Saruchera, Y., & Liao, L.-M. (2018). It is a problem and it is not a problem: Dilemmatic talk of the psychological effects of female genital cutting. Journal of Health Psychology.

Channon, S., Crawford, S., Orlowska, D., Parikh, N., Thoma, P. (2013) Mentalising and Social Problem-Solving in Asperger’s Syndrome. Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, 19(2), 149-63

Drury, H., Stern, J. S., Wilkinson, V., Parikh, N., & Channon, S. (2012) Effortful and automatic cognitive inhibition in adults with Tourette's syndrome. Neuropsychology, 27(1), 132-40

Parikh, N. (2012) Exposing the Global Stigma of Epilepsy. Epilepsy Review

Parikh, N. (2011) The Psychosocial Impact of Epilepsy Stigma: Cross-Cultural Views. Epilepsy Professional, 23,19-21

Conference presentations

Parikh, N., Saruchera, Y., & Liao, L.-M. (2018). It is a problem and it is not a problem: Dilemmatic talk of the psychological effects of female genital cutting. National FGM Awareness Day. Royal College of Gynaecology

Johnson, C., Williams, P., Parikh, N., Devine, J., Bathula, R., Cohen, D., & Crutch, S. (2013). The Northwick Park Examination of Cognition - Alternate Form. International Journal of Stroke. 8, 75-75.


Parikh, N. (2018) Trauma and beyond: The psychological impacts of Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting and implications for practice. National FGM Centre. 

Acknowledged in:

Burnett, S., Bault, N., Coricelli, G., & Blakemore, S.J. (2010). Adolescents’ heightened risk-seeking in a probabilistic gambling task Cognitive Development, 25(2), 183-96

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