GOSH consultant delivers unique learning experience for international colleagues
This July Professor Imran Mushtaq, Consultant Paediatric Urologist at Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children (GOSH) in London, delivered a Masterclass to educate colleagues from around the world about an innovative urology procedure called the Kelly Procedure.
The Kelly Procedure is a super specialist surgical technique performed at GOSH by Prof. Mushtaq and his colleagues when children present with a condition called bladder exstrophy. Bladder exstrophy is a very rare condition that affects 1 out of 50,000 births. GOSH is recognised as a centre of excellence in the UK for treating this condition, and is one of only three paediatric institutions in the world who are experts in the condition. “Bladder exstrophy is a congenital abnormality that occurs when the skin over the lower abdominal wall (bottom part of the tummy) does not form properly. The bladder is open and exposed on the outside of the abdomen.” Professor Mushtaq explains.
“After the closure of the bladder exstrophy, the Kelly Procedure is done as a soft tissue reconstruction of the bladder neck.” Prof. Mushtaq describes, “Existing muscle and soft tissue are used to create a ring of muscle that acts like a sphincter. The sphincter is at the juncture of the bladder and urethra and stops urine leaking when not wanted. The aim of the procedure is to allow children to urinate normally through the urethra.”
As the only hospital in the world that routinely uses the procedure, Prof. Mushtaq realised that there was an educational opportunity for his colleagues who have begun to use the procedure. “As more hospitals around the world begin to use the Kelly Procedure, I knew that it was important to offer an opportunity for my international colleagues to learn more about the procedure from a centre of excellence.”
In July, Prof. Mushtaq and his colleagues including Miss Naima Smeulders, Consultant Urologist, held a two-day Masterclass for delegates from 14 countries including Saudi Arabia, Australia, Russia and the USA. The Masterclass features lectures, operational demonstrations and an interactive Q&A. Prof. Mushtaq and the surgical teams live streamed seven surgeries for the benefit of the delegates.
“The Masterclass went very well and we received great feedback from the delegates.” Prof. Mushtaq says. “Thank you to the staff at GOSH and the families who agreed to take part in this unique learning opportunity.”
Dr Vemulakonda
Children’s Hospital Colorado
Professor Mushtaq
Consultant Paediatric Urologist