سيد Andrew Bates

Occupational Therapist (Outpatients)

نظرة عامة

Andrew is an Occupational Therapist currently working currently working Orthopaedics and Spinal Surgery. He works on the wards, covering most sub-specialities including Neurology, Neurosurgery, Cardiac, Respiratory/Long Term Ventilation, Oncology, Haematology, Immunology and Bone Marrow Transplant, and Intensive Care.

He is available for private outpatient work and can offer specialist seating/wheelchair assessments, upper limb assessment/intervention (e.g. standardised assessment of strength, range, tone and function, consideration of splinting/casting, evidence-based rehabilitation following brain injury, and implementation of home programme), and neurodevelopmental assessment of infants with complex needs.

He has worked in Paediatrics since qualifying as an Occupational Therapist, starting his career in a Child Development Centre in Central London. 

He later worked in Special Schools for children and young people with complex needs associated with autism and learning disability. Prior to working at GOSH, he worked at St Mary's Hospital, covering Paediatric Major Trauma, Intensive Care and Neonatal Care. Before he qualified as an Occupational Therapist, he worked for over 5 years as a Care and Support Worker across a range of services. Within this period he learnt core skills in moving and handling.


Neurological upper limb assessment and intervention, neurodevelopmental assessment of infants, and intensive care.

Qualified from London South Bank University in 2019 with a First Class BSc (Hons) degree in Occupational Therapy.

 Completed post-graduate training in:
- Family and Infant Neurodevelopmental Education (FINE)
- Brazleton Centre Newborn Behavioural Observation (NBO) System
- Assisting Hand Assessment (AHA)
- Sensory Beginnings Master Course
- Constraint Induced Movement Therapy (CIMT)
- Special Yoga for Children and Young People with ADHD and/or Autism
- Cognitive Orientation to Occupational Performance (CO-OP)



Registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) ,The Royal College of Occupational Therapists (RCOT). He is a committee member at RCOT for the Children, Young People and Families (CYPF) Specialist Section.

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