سيد Jose Longatto


نظرة عامة

José is a highly specialised paediatric physiotherapist with extensive experience in the treatment of neuromuscular disorders, currently working with the spinal team at Great Ormond Street Hospital. José has a caring and unique holistic approach, this carries through to the patients and family members he cares for. 

He is a key member of a broad multidisciplinary team; involved in the assessment, decision making and rehabilitation following orthopaedic or spinal surgery that a patient with complex needs may undergo. 


José has been a paediatric physiotherapist for many years, working in Brazil, Switzerland and Australia. Working around the world has taught José a wide range of skills that help him to provide high quality care to the patients and families he works with.


 José has recently been nominated to serve on the committee of the Association of Paediatric Physiotherapists (APCP) in the UK. 


  • Portuguese




General orthopaedics  


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